Wine, Marketing and Orvieto Region" this the crucial topic of latest conference held in Palazzo del Capitano del Popolo - Orvieto and organized by Excellence Food Connection.
Together with famous speakers from wine business and Italian journalism, there was also our owner and sales manager Giulia Di Cosimo who pointed out that the new challenge for wine and local tourism will be to keep on being attractive for the new generation of consumers by constantly renovating wine and touristic experience. "In the near future wine consumption will be determined significantly by Millennial generation. This group of consumers is constantly looking for new products and experiences and what is crucial is that they get bored of anything very soon. We need to renovate our offer to remain attractive in the future. But we can do this only throughout new and young resources. In other words, to win this challenge, we need new ideas and new people and to get that we have to build a competitive and attractive education system creating local schools and masters programs connected to Food and Beverage business.